Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Bloomberg Spends $764,232.35 Buying Oregon Background Check Bill [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)I wrote: "MDA did not work against pryor or begich to get a republican elected"
sarisataka linked: "This is about building a foundation," Watts says, "and it can't be built on whether you have Democrats or Republicans in office. Many Democrats have shown that they are just as in the pocket of the NRA as their Republican counterparts. This has to transcend political labels."
I don't know what you think you proved. MDA did not work against pryor or begich to get a republican elected, as I said.
your link: To that end, Bloomberg created a super pac, Independence USA..
Factcheck: Independence USA is a super PAC that focuses largely on helping to elect candidates who support stricter gun-control laws. It was founded in October 2012 by Michael Bloomberg,
Independence USA largely spends its money backing candidates who support gun control and opposing those who dont. It spent a total of $3.3 million to help Democratic challenger Gloria Negrete McLeod upset longtime Democratic Rep. Joe Baca in Californias 35th Congressional District
Provide a link between MDA & Independence USA providing financial support, not just being friends & coworkers with Bloomberg.
Bloomberg contributed to the Senate Majority PAC $2,500,000 July 2013. Since July 2013 {to 2104 elections}, the Senate Majority PAC has spent $1,690,083 opposing candidate Tom Cotton (R-AR).