"...legislative and educational, that could reduce gun violence by 30 to 50 percent in five years."
The additional training and target practice and conflict resolution sounds great. Securing guns, safer too. Add in mental health funding for the small 4 percent figure they cite for mentally ill people committing violent crime. Microstamped code on each bullet. I assume they mean casing. Normally, you can allow for non-technical terminology in layman discussions, but this is a big error for a group trying to propose significant legislative changes and don't know the difference or don't care.
Terminology aside, all these things cost money and more importantly for many gun owners, time. Works out great for me as I'm upper middle class income with a flexible schedule. Second best gun fight is one where you are the only person with a gun. Not so much for a single mom or lower wage guy working two jobs, neither of which provide paid time off. Maybe we could help defray the costs by imposing a poll tax to vote?
I'm strongly in favor of the additional training and it will surely move the average CC person into well regulated militia territory. So if society is supposed to benefit by this proposal for a significant increase in training and re-establishing the oft times referenced well regulated militia, society should help pay for it and include legislation where gun training and training time will have some sort of reimbursement from the State as last time I checked the police, national guard, etc. were paid and supplied.
Most of the rest I see as incremental gun confiscation and yet once again the average gun owner is treated as second class citizen as police are generally exempted from the microstamped casing regs.
Finally, what if after three years gun violence has not dropped by a rate that will reach their 30 to 50 percent goal in 5 years? Automatic sun setting clause? Buy back of all the high tech guns and bullets? I'll bet that decriminalizing drugs would reduce the gun violence rate by more than all the measures combined.