>> A person who has been convicted in any court of a [font color="red"]violent[/font] crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year or any state [font color="red"]violent[/font] offense classified by the state as a misdemeanor and is punishable by a term of imprisonment of more than two years.
>> Persons who are fugitives of justice—for example, the subject of an active felony or misdemeanor warrant [font color="red"]for a violent offense[/font].
>> The subject of a protective order issued after a hearing in which the respondent had notice that restrains them from harassing, stalking, or threatening [font color="red"]anyone an intimate partner or child of such partner[/font]. This does not include ex parte orders.
>> A person convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime which includes the use or attempted use of physical force or threatened use of a deadly weapon[font color="red"] and the defendant was the spouse, former spouse, parent, guardian of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabiting with or has cohabited in the past with the victim as a spouse, parent, guardian or similar situation to a spouse, parent or guardian of the victim[/font].
I'm not sure how enforceable the renouncing of citizenship thing is. I mean is the form you have to fill out and have notarized to do that? If a neighbor hears me yell, "I hate being American" and reports it (not sure to who other than Dick Cheney) does that count?