Today Show - "Guns topping Christmas lists thanks to terrorism concerns, fear over restrictions" [View all]
"The convergence of fears over terrorism, a perceived threat of gun laws being changed and the Christmas holiday have sent gun sales soaring in what is already the busiest month of the year for firearm purchases.
Guns are at the top of many Christmas lists, especially if November is any indication.
Last month, the FBI ran more than 2.2 million firearm background checks on potential buyers, a 24 percent increase from November 2014. On Black Friday, a record 185,345 background checks were processed by the FBI.
That increase coincided with the coordinated terrorist attacks at multiple sites in Paris by ISIS gunmen on Nov. 13 that killed 130 people and wounded 368.
Weeks later, on Dec. 2, an attack on a holiday party in San Bernardino, California, killed 14 and injured 17 others."
Will someone be sure to tell these people that they are all "stupid gun humpers", "ammosexuals", a danger to everyone, etc.. Make sure they understand they are held in contempt by many people in this party and tell them we don't want their stinkin' votes anyway.
At least that seems to be the way a lot of folks here express themselves on the issue.