Another "success" for the MSM [View all]
Posted in GD:
Here we have an individual at his twitter mimicking/repeating attempts by media to redefined words and add a new connotative meaning. I have a problem with this in the same way I have a problem with the media demonstrating their lack of talent for proper usage.
Somewhere on DU some unsuspecting person may get a hide over the infraction of actually using the dictionary meaning of a word. That says more about the jury than the person getting the hide. By all means let's add some prejudice to some other issues and make some already complicated problems more difficult to understand. Alienating folks that don't have the latest politically correct playbook always helps.
For the record,
thug would be an adequate characterization for anyone of any color, religion or ethnicity who engages in certain crimes such as robbery or assault. The presence/absence of knives, guns or nuclear weapons not withstanding.
A terrorist is person of any persuasion who engages in terrorism. (I am using the dictionary definition of terrorism here "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims" for those who aren't sure.) IMNSHO, if the victim of crime becomes "terrified" during the experience but the crime itself is not politically motivated, it's not "terrorism".
The NRA is not a "terrorist" organization. Saying they are, distracts from the discussion on gun-control and the RKBA.