I cannot give my consent for a police officer to use force to apprehend a suspect that i don't perviously possess myself.
That is why i have a huge problem with we as a society allowing police powers above and beyond what we as citizens have. A few come to mind:
Allowing on and off duty police to carry weapons in places citizens cannot.
Allowing police a "plus one" in the continuum of force where i as a citizen am bound by common law to only apply force commensurate to the threat before me. This is the current standard in practice in MN right now, i did not consent to this, nor could i, as i lack that power for myself.
When you say"many folks seem not to" i have to agree.
Ask yourself how many times in your life you have heard "don't take the law in you own hands!" Every time you have heard that drivel, you just talked to someone who has it somewhat less than straight.
I have been troubled by this my entire adult life, and most of my childhood for that matter. Since i believe that i cannot bestow authority on someone that i don't have, it is painfull to watch legislatures enact laws, on my supposed behalf, that specifically allow police powers that i do not posses, i feel that my representative government is no longer representing me when that happens. This is not about disagreeing with policy, it's about legitamacy, or lack thereof. I believe that this policy of authorizing power where no ligitamacy exists, gives rise to the tensions we have seen in Ferguson, Baltimore, and BLM actions across the country. If we don't reign this in via legislative actions, we will see much more of the same unrest as in Fergusson.