...that government be, as Lincoln said, of the people, by the people and for the people. The last part, for the people, reflects the duty of government to generally protect the rights and liberty of the people. The second part, by the people, tells me that we all have a voice, by our vote and by our first amendment right to petition. That's special because it is a call to each of us to communicate, participate and possibly run for office. That brings up the first part, of the people which I used to think was simply the application of laws to the those governed but now I see this entire formulation to be descriptive of a people acting in concert to help a society maintain general tolerance and justice for the good of each person. This government is not a creation of the people, it IS the people. The rules are creations; the government is the people. It is a normal and basic duty of each person. Together with his vote and first amendment rights each individual is a unit of government. Analogously second amendment rights make each person a unit of the militia; the people are the militia.
The entire plan:
>> removes any sense of a special class in either government or military service
>> works through various means to assure the all people are treated justly and equally in all respects
>> deliberately makes laws difficult to enact
>> assures a means for a president to veto them should they be a problem
>> allows for the judicial supremacy to revoke laws should they infringe on basic freedoms
Different term lengths, means for election or appointment/confirmation and different duties and involvement with the passage and application of the law act to prevent capricious and harmful laws.