Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: NRA lies smartly exposed: The truth about consumer demand for life-saving smart guns [View all]branford
(4,462 posts)If permitting the technology is a means to ban tens of millions of reliable firearms. opposition to the technology is smart and effective politics.
Gun control proponents are the ones who made this issue a binary choice between smart guns or no guns. Blame yourselves for the current predicament.
In any event, there are no legal impediments stopping research into "smart gun" technology, nor preventing anyone from adopting it. As I and many others have observed, the best way to convince gun owners and gun rights supporters of the value of the technology is for law enforcement and the military to use it extensively under harsh conditions and prove it reliable.
Whether you like it or not, you're demanding gun owners adopt unproven technologies and give up tens, if not hundreds, of millions of perfectly reliable firearms. That's foolish and never going to happen.
If you want "smart guns," establish their inherent reliability over time, and then let the market freely decide that they're the best choice for self-defense, sport, and other lawful purposes.