Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Cruz’s Gun Control Deception [View all]DonP
(6,185 posts)Except they aren't rising, the numbers have been falling .... every year for almost 2 decades now.
All while gun sales have been the highest in history (as measured by the NICS system monthly background check numbers).
The best gauge of that is the (neutral source) annual FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) It shows that violent crime, including crime with guns of all types, has been dropping. It also points out that crime with rifles of any kind, accounts for fewer than 270 deaths every year. Fists and blunt objects account for more. So why all the energy and political capital to ban so called assault weapons? Political theater? Easy target to confuse people? Political fraud?
FWIW, most gun owners here are very supportive of better mental health screening, including myself.
But try posting the mental health issue in the Gun Control and Activism group and watch how fast you get labeled an NRA stooge or using "NRA Talking Points". Solving that involves accessing mental health records and allowing them into the NICS data base. The barrier to that are the current medical privacy HIPPA laws and the folks at the ACLU, not the NRA.
"Opinions are like.......... offer a solution to the problem.....its better than ranting any day."
Know what's really "better than ranting"? Actually doing something in the real world to address the issues you care about.
Pretty much every gun owner that posts regularly here in the DU Gungeon is active in their chosen sport. Sporting Clays, Trap, high power competition, reloading, plinking, teaching gun safety, speaking at town halls and zoning board meeting re: shooting ranges, etc. We actually spend our own money and time to back up our side of the issue.
OTOH, not one of the supposed gun control activists on DU that we've found so far actually does anything beside rant online about the need for more gun control. Ask them for examples and you'll get called names, the subject will be changed or most often, they just go away for a few days.