it really isn't.
Isla Vista shootings, yet nothing about the other three murder victims who were stabbed. BTW, it isn't a mass shooting. It really doesn't meet the FBI definition of mass murder. If you change the number to three from four, it would be a mass stabbing.
We spoke to John Lott, he will be featured in a digital companion that we have. We did a great piece on him. Hes the originator of the idea that more guns equal less crime. His research has been criticized and largely discredited, and when we went to include it in the film, it felt like unnecessary real estate to put in the film, because we know his research has been debunked many times. We kept going back to the idea that we wanted to reserve the real estate in the film for the responsible gun owners.
What they forgot to mention that out of the three competing hypotheses among criminology studies on the subject, Lott's view is in the minority. What they forgot to mention is that the inverse, more guns equals more crime, is even smaller. The "makes no difference either way" has a very large plurality. Discredited by whom?
He has some heavy hitters on his side on the subject.
an interesting tid bit, basically that Lott and his critics have problems with their methodology.
One claim that she makes is demonstrably false, is that there is an increase in mass shootings. There hasn't been.
I also seriously doubt the "silent majority" of gun owners. If they existed, they would be on blogs and You Tube. If they are indeed there, what are they gaining by being silent? Granted there are some rich Fudds who don't think the unwashed masses should have them, or by throwing AR owners under the bus, their Holland and Hollands will be safe, until they are called "sniper rifles" My real question is how did she come to this conclusion of this silent majority? How many pro gun or gun owners did she talk to? How about pro gun groups? The article already says she hung out with only one side of the issue.
If VDL is just a "fringe" what are the gun prohibition groups she has been hanging around with? They have a fewer members and are astro turf. At least VDL and other state organizations are grassroots.
My favorite comment
Bill Inaz 3h ago
"I felt that gun owners are being duped, that theyve been sold a bill of goods by the NRA, as well. "
This belief is the cause of the confusion and dissonance felt by those that impotently shake their fist at the sky at that which they don't understand.
Let's do the math. There are now well over 80,000,000 owners of personal firearms in America. They are in possession of now well over 300,000,000 firearms. The NRA has what...maybe...5M members?
That means there are 75+ Million gun-owners that have nothing to do with the NRA. These people span all political affiliations, as well as all racial, social and gender demographics. They are hardly all 'wascally-wepubwiccans". There are in fact 10's of millions of Democrat gun owners a number that, in and of itself, dwarfs NRA membership numbers.
Yes the NRA has influence but these 76,000,000 + non-NRA gun owners are also known to their legislators because they communicate, a lot, and more importantly they do the one thing the NRA does not do...they actually vote.
Be careful employing the NRA as bogeyman meme. It's likely the reason you end up impotently shaking your fist at the sky and wondering why no one is listening to you. The trust of those that vote has not been gained by those that flit around like the writer here chiding them for their 'reactionary' and throwback views. People don't like that.