Shannon Watts says she will counter the NRA's "guns for anyone, anywhere, anytime" message
That could prove impossible, seeing as that isn't the nras message or their stance.
Thats why, as founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, part of Everytown for Gun Safety, I will also be in Louisville this weekend, along with grassroots volunteers...
What? All 13 of them?
Since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we have become the counterweight to the Washington gun lobby, representing millions of Americans who will no longer allow the gun lobby to write our nations gun laws.
Did Shannon drop acid or something?
...we will demand political leaders Make America Safe Again.
Oh, you mean like before there were background checks on guns at all, pre1994? Or do you mean that plus before the fopa?
NRA leadership and the politicians who curry their favor do not speak for the majority of Americans who support the Second Amendment but also believe we have a responsibility to keep guns out of dangerous hands.
They speak for more Americans that support the second amendment than Shannon does.
Trump has already said that on his first day in office he will repeal protections against guns in our childrens schools something the NRA is pushing in statehouses across the country.
Those protections obviously did not stop sandy hook or VT, so maybe someone can chime in with exactly what those protections accomplish that makes them worth keeping, beyond "gun control good", but somehow I don't think we'll be hearing from anyone on that point.
So far, I am troubled by Trumps rhetoric and his eagerness to line up with lobbyists.
Its ok, I'm sure bloombergs checks clear just the same.
The NRAs vision for America is not one I want for my children. Its not an America where people feel safe at home, in their neighborhoods, in their schools or in their workplaces.
You can't be trusted to talk about guns without misrepresenting the issue and those who support the second amendment.
...dangerous laws such as Stand Your Ground.
Duty to retreat is a criminal/violent enabling piece of excrement.
Fortunately, the momentum is with the gun safety movement
Working to stop the gun lobbys dangerous agenda and to prevent gun violence isnt anti-gun its pro-life.
Uh huh. Continuing the effort to cloak yourself and your group as people that "just want reasonable controls", as if is working. Well, shan, it isn't:
No sale.
Make no mistake, gun safety will be a defining and winning issue of the 2016 elections.
Uh...right. That will actually have meaning when it becomes A true, and B when your org actually has people who teach gun safety.
This weekend, were putting political leaders from presidential candidates on down on notice: Stand with us to make America safe again or face the consequences in November.
One simple question, and any controller can answer it:
Which year in the past was "America was more safe", and what gun control laws were in effect then that aren't now?
My "in general" comment:
The 'piece' linked to in the OP, reeks of desperation and dishonesty - in other words, the smell remains the same.