Scottish airgun surrender campaign nets 0.45% of province’s plinkers [View all]
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Scottish airgun surrender campaign nets 0.45% of provinces plinkers
31 May 2016 Police Scotland is boasting that 2,300 airguns have been handed in to it during an airgun surrender campaign, netting the police force less than half of one per cent of airguns north of the border.
A police press release, enthusiastically churned by the BBC, reveals the figures. The campaign began last week and will run for another fortnight.
The second-from-last paragraph of the BBC churn reveals the total estimated airgun ownership figure of 500,000, and claims that airguns were used in 182 crimes in the year 2013-14. Readers will be interested to note that just 0.04% of airguns in Scotland have ever been used in the commission of a crime.
Meanwhile, the advert at the top of this post was reportedly seen on a bus in Aberdeen last week and shared with Facebook page Firearms UK. Issued by the Scottish National Socialist Party government, it clearly infers that airgun owners likely to apply for licences are people who stand on urban doorsteps aiming airguns at their neighbours.
Posted for the benefit of those who want America to use the rest of the world as a yardstick.