Assault weapon is a made up term sometimes attributed to advertising, sometimes to pro-control folks. IIRC the intent was to sound similar to the actual military term 'assault rifle'. Over the years the terms have been overused and misused by the media. The media is after the sensational and will add any term to a sentence just to make it a bit scarier.
I contend that some leaders in the pro-control group, media personalities and politicians publicize certain incorrect opinions and accusations simply for attention and to keep 'the cause' alive.
I maintain that gun laws like background checks aren't bad ideas but won't have much affect on crime and suicides. They do serve a purpose in highlighting to everyone that it's best to keep guns away from those who've demonstrated problematic issues. Given the ability and any sense of duty or proper conduct, most people will work to do the right thing. IMHO, empowering the average person to optionally visit a police or sheriff's office for a background approval on someone to whom they plan to sell or give a gun is a positive step.
This country's poor and middle class have been victimized by the wealthy 1% usually with government approval if not help since the beginning. It is not the Trumps, Blooombergs and Kochs that find themselves needing to sell an old revolver for $50 or $100 to pay a bill or buy gas to get to work. There are plenty of know nothings that want to make everything artificially expensive for gun owners like ammo taxes and insurance. These measures serve mostly to annoy and alienate the folks from whom cooperation is needed.
Sorry to rant. There are lots of good folks that are being lied to and misinformed. Many leaders either go along with these "exaggerations" or outright lies to further their agenda or just to get some press.
Thanks for listening. Have a great day.