Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: December 29, 1890 [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)straw man: The material you quoted makes it clear that these women, elderly persons, and children would have likely perished if they hadn't been taken to the forest and supported by armed partisans.
You need read up on WWII history a lot more, you're not up to speed, and you overrate your sacred cows - firearms.
Do you really, seriously think that 400 armed jews in the middle of the nazi wehrmacht stretched from leningrad to moscow to dnieprepetrovsk could've resisted? It wasn't guns which saved those jews, it was the dense forests & swamps where panzers couldn't go, encompassing a fairly large area in western byelorussia which saved them, as well as the ability (+ other partisans) to blend in with the local populace, remaining & operating covertly, and yes integrating with much larger numbers of partisans making the nazis unable or unwanting to spend much needed crack troops to eradicate the partisan menace in the miserable pripyat swamps in byelorus.
Fall 1943, the partisan force {in nazi occupied terr} in BSSR totaled about 153,700, and by the end 1943 about 122,000, with about 30,800 put behind the frontline in the course of liberation of eastern parts of BSSR (end 1943). After the liberation of BSSR, about 180,000 partisans joined the Soviet Army in 1944... 19411944 period, the turnaround in the Soviet partisan force in Belarus was about 374,000, about 70,000 in urban underground, and about 400,000 in the reserve of the partisan force. Among Soviet partisans in Belarus were people of 45 different ethnic backgrounds and 4,000 foreigners (including 3,000 Poles, 400 Czechs Slovaks, 300 Yugo, etc.). Around 65% of Belarusian partisans were local people.
strawman:What's "specious" is your suggestion that somehow being unarmed enhanced one's likelihood of survival.
Not that I did in this case other than your usual twisting of what other people say, most all of ~1.5 million surviving russian jews indeed survived without being armed or fighting the nazis.-Bielski partisans would be west of this map:
plain of vercours massacre: 5 June 1944, the Free French govt in London called upon the Vercors people {french maquis partisans} to take up arms and tie down the German army prior to the Allied invasion of Normandy as part of a wider series of resistance uprisings .. the 4,000 maquisards to begin the uprising.
To overcome the resistance around Vercors {mtn plateau occupied by ~3,000 armed maquis}, Luft{waffe} landed two companies of Russian/Ukrainian {para}troops by 242 gliders. The bloody suppression of the Vercors insurrection further inflamed the Maquis in the region but also served as a warning that they were not well enough armed or organized to directly confront the Wehrmacht until the arrival of the Allies. The Maquis returned to the more traditional style of petite guerre (little war), engaging in harassment and ambush of Wehrmacht units rather than large-scale tactical operation .. Operation Bettina against Maquis du Vercors, it appears that the Germans deployed nearly 10.000 soldiers and police..played an important part in the torture and the slaughter of the Maquisards of Vercors and the inhabitants of Vassieux.