Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Why US liberals are now buying guns too [View all]pablo_marmol
(2,375 posts)'s where your team paints itself into corners with it's ignorance and dishonesty. First of all, correlation does not equal causation. Restriction supporters seem to forget this logical fallacy when it comes to gun violence. And even so, gun violence is HALF of was it was in 1993 ---- y'all conveniently fail to report this fact when you shriek 30,000! 30,000! 30,000! Gun deaths have declined while gun sales have increased. Ooops. Omission of relevant details is tantamount to lying --- the gun restriction camp is notorious for this behavior.
W/regard to magazine capacity, you ignore inconvenient truth once again. The Virginia Tech shooter didn't use "high capacity" magazines. Magazines can be changed out in just over 1 second.
"Statistics are statistics."
Right. And you choose to ignore those that don't support your (feeble) argument, while purposefully hiding them from view.
Edited to add:
"Can you explain why other countries have much less gun violence than we do?"
Can YOU explain why they kill each other with hands and feet at a much lower rate than we do? Is it because they have fewer hands and feet per capita than the U.S.? We're a more violent country generally. Interesting how the "compassionate" gun control supporter is utterly disinterested in those killed by methods which don't involve guns.