Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Just looking for input. [View all]discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,604 posts)But first, I realize you have your opinion and the whole idea of having freedom in the US is that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I thank you for sharing yours and for maintaining a respectful and pleasant exchange. My opinion is in the minority here on DU and often these discussions lead to misunderstandings when things get heated. I don't want things to get heated. I just want to share some thoughts, facts and ideas. Welcome to the group.
Just to address reality here, there are absolutely and with no doubt over 110,000,000 privately owned handguns here.
[center]* A ban just isn't happening. *[/center]
>> Making all handguns illegal would drive a serious percentage of them into black market sales and serve to strenuously aggravate violent crime.
>> Legislation supporting this idea would be the last nail in a coffin for any party supporting the proposal.
>> Any sponsors, authors and legislators voting in favor would become targets for Republicans, the NRA and host of pro-gun organizations to vote out of office.
>> Gun ownership in the US has a long history and even those who favor various new restrictions would, in large part, look at a total handgun ban as unworkable, unreasonable and counter productive.
I do have some questions:
- Would this ban include law enforcement?
- How would the impact of unemployment be mitigated? Tens if not hundreds of thousands of people work directly for companies which manufacture handguns. It is the general public and not the military and law enforcement who are the primary market.
- If 1% of those who now own handguns don't comply, where would we imprison those folks? That would increase the current prison population by about 30%.
I don't see the VPC as being objective. I don't really understand how they're even taken seriously.
They tout as an achievement: "We exposed the rising threat posed by 50 caliber sniper rifles weapons of war that can penetrate armor plating from a mile away and down jetliners on takeoff and landing but are sold under federal law with fewer controls than a handgun. As a result of our efforts, these weapons are now banned in California."
It would be nice if we could have fewer jetliners shot down but since we've never had any shot down that's not possible. Here's something that can be learned from the NRA: Peddling hysteria doesn't make you a criminologist.
Here's a few points made by the other side:
Nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not in general. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate 3x that of the 9 European nations with the highest gun ownership rate!