Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Compromising with gun owners is the ONLY feasible path to passing meaningful gun control [View all]yagotme
(4,058 posts)"More guns than people in the US. Sixty-five times more guns than all the military and all the police forces in the country combined."
And, I'm amazed, that if guns cause crime, and every "gunner" is a criminal in waiting, how the murder rate is so low.
"Legal protection for gun sellers, makers and distributors from civil suits. The only industry with such protection."
Because the pedal-to-the-metal gun grabbers were trying to force legitimate manufacturers out of business, 'cuz they didn't like the product.
"Unfettered access to guns without a background check. They're called 80% receivers and are available on the internet to ANYONE. Even a 13 year old can buy and assemble a gun kit."
Wrong. 80% kits are NOT firearms, just hunks of metal that need another 20% of MACHINING to make them an actual receiver. A 13 yr old CANNOT buy one of these and assemble a gun from a kit. Receiver has to be finished, first.
"'Must issue' licenses and concealed carry permits. No human intervention regardless of local and familial concerns."
"May issue" has become a concern, because in several areas of May Issue, you have to BE somebody/know somebody to get a permit. Elitism at it's best. And, as far as IL, background checks are done before issuing a permit, as I bet other areas do, too.
"Guaranteed purchase of a gun in 3 days even if the background check hasn't been completed by a system that doesn't even report all agencies to the background data base."
Again, this goes to the radical grabbers, who used the delay to deny sales as long as possible. Here in IL, an approval (Pre-Covid) could be received in minutes. You still had to wait the delay period, but your approval was sometimes almost instantaneous.
"Over the counter retail access to military grade weaponry that can be easily and legally converted to emulate full auto machine guns. Bump stocks are on again/off again legal and auto-sear/forced-reset trigger assemblies haven't been addressed."
"Military grade weaponry, over the counter, then convert." Did you read that sentence after you typed it? If it's military grade, it is already converted (and not sold OTC. Need Class 4 license.). And, if you're talking about the AR-15, if you convert it to full auto without BATF paperwork, it is NOT legal. A bump stock is a plastic device, mounted to the rear of a semi auto rifle, that uses recoil/shooters finger to reset the trigger. Legality of it being a "firearm" has led to much debate. And the drop-in auto sears, last I heard, were a no-no, per BATF.
"100 round magazines available over the internet with no background check to go with those converted full auto guns some of which were assembled from 80% receivers with no background check."
So, what would you accept as "standard" magazine? 30? 20? 10? 5?
"Thirteen states have 'constitutional carry' with no restrictions on concealed or open carry, many with no background checks or training."
And, the death toll from those particular states must be staggering...
"Thirty eight states have 'stand your ground' laws allowing anyone who feels threatened to shoot another person without the responsibility to retreat if possible. Note the words feels threatened."
Yes, and if you shoot someone while you "feel threatened", you need to be able to prove it in a court of law.
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