Ramifications and constitutionality of the new New York law? [View all]
I wouldn't be surprised if the SCOTUS overturns the law within the next two years. It seems guaranteed to be overturned and could yield even more sweeping backlash against common sense gun control and regulation.
Like it or not, we've got to work within the confines of the current 2nd Amendment interpretation if we want to pass meaningful gun control. And the new New York Law, with it's subjective standards despite the recent SCOTUS ruling, is outside of those confines.
Legislation that flagrantly disregards the ruling, such as this, is sure to be overturned nearly immediately. That will result in an even more rigid ruling being put in place. I would not be at all surprised if the opinion overturning this new New York legislation results in all states being required to adopt a shall-issue regimen for concealed carry licensing.
We've got to focus on passing the laws that matter, and that are popular, and that can actually be passed in this political climate:
1. Universal Background Checks
2. Mandatory Safe Storage Laws
3. Minimum Standards for Concealed Carry Licenses
This law feels a bit like cutting off our nose to spite our face.