Sure thing, "Ban all guns!" [View all]
Fuck those zealots.
Mom fatally shot home intruder to defend kids, she says
MILWAUKEE (WTMJ) - A family of three is now traumatized after they say a strange man broke into their home, and the mother fatally shot him while defending her children, she claims.
A mother of two, who asked not to be identified, was showering before work Monday morning when she heard her children, ages 12 and 14, screaming from the living room.
Still dripping wet, she says she ran to her bedroom, grabbed her gun and faced down a strange man, who she claims broke into her home. She says the man charged, undeterred by her dogs, and she shot him in self-defense.
“It all happened so fast — an adrenaline rush,” she said.
Community activist Bushraa Rahman helped clean up the home after authorities removed the body.
“She was scared because her children were there with her. So, she did what any mother would do. She defended her children,” Rahman said. “It was an act of self-defense.”
Police have not identified the man. The mother says he appeared to be in his late 30s and was acting erratically.