CNN And MSNBC Are The Problem ----> Zero Violence In Nevada - They Lied And Are STILL LYING [View all]
I went to the caucus in Washington State, and all of the Hillary People, and the Bernie People got along just fine with zero problems there. In fact many of the "two sides" are good friends. I have many good friends I see all the time that support Mrs. Clinton. In almost every case us Democrats respect the decisions of others. I have been part of campaigns between 2 popular Democratic Candidates, and there was zero problems when it was settled.
The problem in Nevada was a whole bunch of Bernie people have a lot of frustration with how the media, and the establishment has done all they can to get their girl the nomination. Every step of the way they (Bernie) have been fighting an uphill battle (everyone knows) and with the DNC not playing fair, and the MSM actually part of the Clinton Campaign tempers are a little hot.
When the (blank) chairperson did what she did people started yelling. Rightfully so. They have been pushed around so much, here was a place they could push back, and push they did. They thought they were being screwed again. They started yelling.
But they did not push back with violence (except for the one Clinton Supporter who was arrested).
Now for the point. We all saw the angry crowd over, and over, and over, and over and then a few thousand more times. The media plays this UTTER CRAP TO CREATE CONTROVERSY, to get eyeballs to sell their ads to. They don't care if the "violence" story line is a lie. They are about getting people to stay tuned, not to tell anyone anything resembling the truth. Both CNN, and MSNBC pushed this "violence" garbage/lie. FOX (pure propaganda) doesn't count. It is for true psychos. Not once on CNN, or MSNBC did I see one host even explain the real reason why The Bernie People were even angry. The hosts just don't care. In fact they are still pushing the "alleged violence" garbage. They are in a win win situation. Getting a "controversial" story to get eyeballs, and to hurt Bernie so he can't win and do something about the billions they get in billionaire funded ad cash.
It isn't so much Hillary playing dirty, even though Hillary's "friends" did help "push" the bs story. Politics ain't bean bag.
The real problem is the scum sucking slimeballs we call the media. Distorting anything they can to sell advertising. To hell with news reporting. It isn't about news. It is about revenue. Now and in the future. They could have just reported what actually happened. Not on your life.
Us Democrats are not at war regardless what the media dirt bags spew in the form of lies. Real issues are for once being addressed, and for this I am proud of Bernie, and Hillary too.
Rec if you think this story needs told.
It's our f-ed up media.