However, they do all seem to follow a very similar model, which is to keep as many people engaged in order to sell advertising as opposed to being more focused on doing much more than surface reporting and sensationalism, that the first mission (making money) is served.
I am old enough to recall the great promise of cable TV when it was commercial free as you were paying for the service and thus you would not pay again (with your time) to watch advertisements. Once that model changed and the quest to turn news delivery vehicles into profit centers for their owners became necessary and clear, they all devolved into the same thing. So Yes, I will lump them all together.
Take an hour or two and watch CNN or MSNBC not for what is being said on any particular day or topic, but rather the methods of the delivery. Tale note of the amount of commercial time in each hour and what those are selling. Sit back and watch style as opposed to the immediate and decide for yourself.
I watch only a few minutes every few days of what I call "the breathless, 24/7, Cable Noise Infotainment Channels", so that a group of people that I don't know can either talk over each other or yell at me before commercial break.