CODE BLUE for the Pentagon’s $1.5 Trillion F-35 [View all]
CODE BLUE for the Pentagons $1.5 Trillion F-35
By JACQUELINE LEO, The Fiscal Times
April 29, 2013
When you think of writing software code, you think of companies like Apple, Google and Facebook. But every new car we drive, every GPS system we usealmost everything with a plug or battery, with the possible exception of your desk lampis engineered with software.
The Pentagon commissioned the F-35 during the Clinton presidency. Lockheed Martin was chosen as the manufacturer.
Right now, each branch of the military has their own planes, meaning that numerous contracts existed with different contractors. Lockheed was expected to lower the cost of air defense by creating redundancies between the branches. It was ordered to produce three different versions of the F-35: the Marine version could take off and land vertically; the Navy version would be designed to take off from air craft carriers; and the Air Force version would take off from traditional runways. The Pentagon ordered nearly 2,500 planes for $382 billion, or fifty percent more than the original cost.
As the price soared, the Pentagon in 2010 deemed the program too big to fail. Yet it continues to fall short. Recent engine troubles are just the latest in a series of mechanical failures. A pilot was killed when oxygen to the cabin was cut off. The aircraft are running too hot, limiting their ability to operate in warm environments.