Exclusive: United Tech, Pentagon in $1 billion-plus deal for F-35 engines [View all]
Exclusive: United Tech, Pentagon in $1 billion-plus deal for F-35 engines
By Andrea Shalal-Esa
WASHINGTON | Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:42pm EDT
(Reuters) - Pratt & Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp, has reached an agreement in principle with the Pentagon on a contract to build 39 engines for a sixth batch of F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, three sources familiar with the deal said on Monday.
The agreement - which Pratt had expected to reach over a month ago - is valued at more than $1 billion, said the sources, who were not authorized to speak publicly.
The Pentagon agreed on the terms of a contract for the sixth and seventh orders of F-35s with Lockheed Martin Corp, which builds the jets, in late July. The government buys the engines separately from Pratt & Whitney, which is the sole producer of engines for the radar-evading warplane.
The negotiations between Pratt and the Pentagon's F-35 program office had focused only on engines for the sixth batch, with separate discussions planned for a seventh batch of F135 engines.
unhappycamper comment: I like the way Lockheed tries to get the cost of the F-35 down.
$1 billion dollars / 39 = $25,641,025 per engine.