In October 2009, dozens of national veterans leaders joined President Obama at the White House as he signed the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, legislation that shields the VA health care system from the harmful effects of budget stalemates, continuing resolutions and government shutdowns.
This historic law authorized advance appropriations for VA health care, providing the funding one year in advance and thus avoiding the ill effects of budget brinkmanship. As a result, during a federal government shut down due to a lapse in appropriations or over a debt ceiling fight, the VA health care system already is funded to provide uninterrupted care to wounded, injured and ill veterans.
This key legislation was unanimously approved in the Senate, passed the House by a near-unanimous 409-1 margin, and was supported by Democrats and Republicans alike, including Majority Leader Reid (D), Minority Leader McConnell (R), Speaker Boehner (R) and Minority Leader Pelosi (D), and hundreds of others still serving now.