What Do You Think About Secretary Eric K. Shinseki? [View all]
The Republicans have been busy as hell lately: Repeated IRS and Benghazi and Obamacare hearings have produced nothing to date EXCEPT we learned the IRS targeted liberals more than conservatives.
The latest issue the Rs have jumped on is the Veterans Administration. Various VA units around the country have been cooking the books to make their VA 'numbers', aka their individual measurements. It's wrong and those who instigated this should be punished.
So naturally Rs are going to try and pin this on Shinseki.
My take on the VA:
1. Your VA experience depends on where you reside. Boston's teaching universities and hospitals provide some of the best doctors in the world. VA doctors regularly train with these guys (and these gifted doctors sometimes teach their craft in VA hospitals) which is why the West Roxbury VA has the best Spinal Unit in the entire VA system. I had my first first appointment with the Cataract Unit on May 8 and I had cataract surgery on May 14. Many (if not most) of the veterans I speak with in New England love the care they get. The service we receive is second to none.
2. The VA took a serious hit after Max Cleland left the Agency. Shinseki is and has been an honorable man. He does not sweep problems under the carpet like many Republican-appointed secretaries tend to favor; and he takes shit from no one.. When assholes in the VA system do crap like 'cook the appointment books' or fuck up with contaminated instruments or procedures, Shinseki is one to be feared.
I'm going to something I rarely do: Rec this post.