You Have Mobility Challenges? There is Help [View all]
Jan 1, 2016 (San Diego) The San Diego International Auto Show has many things. Fast cars, green cars and adapted vehicles for those who are mobility challenged. Lets say you have a cord injury, or a double, even triple amputation, a vehicle can be adapted for you to safely operate.
Reporting San Diego spoke with Dwayne Norman, with Paralyzed Veterans of America.He explained that he was also with Golden Boy Mobility, a company that does vehicle modifications. They have vehicles that are available in almost any conceivable platform that you would use. Anything from pickup trucks, to small vans to cars.
Norman told Reporting San Diego that for a service connected veteran, the Veterans Administration will cover 100 percent of the cost, and this can be done every two years. None service connected veterans have other services that they can apply as well. Other programs, such as Medicate, will not cover this, nor will Medical. Nor will third party insurance cover any of the necessary conversations that can run into thousands of dollars.
If you need vehicle modifications and you are a vet...