I'm rated at 100% P&T for PTSD and I've been in and out of all sorts of facilities over the last couple of years. There is a night and day difference between the civilian psychiatric hospitals I've been in and the VA psychiatric hospitals. The VA is so much better funded, the facilities are so superior, the staff is less stressed and better at dealing with the peculiarities of individual patients.
I visit my local VA 4-5 days a week. I have scheduled groups and appointments many of those days, but not all. I hate being home on the weekends (don't get me wrong, I love my wife and kids) I just don't feel at ease when I'm not around other vets or military people. When I'm not in an appointment, I'm usually off playing the piano somewhere in one of the various lobbies. The VA is more like a home to me than my actual home is. Its the only place in a crowded setting that I actually can let my guard down and the only place I feel where I actually belong and I'm not constantly on patrol. I can sit down and start talking with anyone at the VA and have an instant friend. I can't do that in the civilian world. Civilians just look at me like I'm a dangerous over/under medicated freak.
For the most part I hate the civilian world and I have no idea what I'd do without the VA.