Just Received a letter via blue star mom troop at benning [View all]
She text me this morning wanting to know if she could drop letter off. I read it and he is doing ok heading into phase two of osut infantry. Blue star mom is having coffee and danish in dining room with the family and she is doing fine as well. I think it was harder on her as she is a single mom who raised him on her own. Having him leave for the unknown as parents we love our children and want the best for them.
In his letters to his mom I read other day he is ok. In this letter to me young troop is in the groove. Why he admires his SENIOR DRILL SGT CIB AIRBORNE WINGS AND RANGER TABBED. He says I quote you teb he is a real stud a warrior . And young trooper has in his mind to attend Ranger school after jump school. Not sure how that works today if I remember after jump school they were looking for volunteers to attend RIP RANGER INDOC PROGRAM. Then you made that you went to Ranger batt but that was in 1984 for me. I just never volunteered I just went to division and ended up in 325 th. But I do remember a E-5 who went to ranger course in 85 from division and he came back tabbed but beat up. His words it was a total ass kicker but the idea was was seed the knowledge to others. And it did because he really helped me the E-5 with land nav for my EIB course. Just a update iron mike drive on young troop, But Im happy that young mister is doing well Ill see him in may after jump school.