If he needs any help now or in the future, have the VA Officer closest to you put in the paperwork. Even if they say he won't get it, have them put in the paperwork anyway. I found that certain things are not really know about A&A and SMC, Special Monthly Compensation. I have look them up in the past and found that one veteran gets them and another veteran with the same disabilities does not. Okay, I just talked to my wife. We made out the paperwork for CHAMPVA as soon as we got married. Since she did not have any medical insurance CHAMPVA became her primary and they gave us a list of good insurance companies for secondary. The only time I know of that CHAMPVA becomes secondary is if you have Medicare. The cost for the secondary insurance depends on your age. Really check this out for yourself. You maybe able to have CHAMPVA and a secondary. It is nice not having to pay for medications, they mail you a 90 day supply at a time. Your husband should be covered for everything through the VA and you with those two plans you are covered for almost everything. Vision I know is not covered. I know there is a lot of information in my posts, but it can save you money. Not something I like to write, but it is important. With divorce or death of the veteran, the spouse keeps CHAMPVA. NOW FOR ANY VETERAN OR SPOUSE READING MY POSTS, IF THERE ARE ANY ERRORS, PLEASE POST THEM. And if your VAO says you are not eligible for something, put in for it anyway. The only way that veterans and their families will get what they deserve is for other veterans to help them. This is not charity or government assistance. You held up your part of the contract, make the government hold up its.