My day was so Thrilling I just had to share [View all]
(I don't think I've been here before. I was looking for gardening, and found you first, but I think my story will fit right in here.)
My day, Nov. 12, 2020
I went down hill to town to mail a letter and get some wood chips. I saw there was section that was older and the leaves had composted nicely. I filled my pickup. Came home and was helped by Les and Mary putting it in the garden. They also found more Golden Chanterelles while I was gone. When I went to feed the Llama I saw she hadnt eaten the apples I had given her this morning and I proceeded to step over the fence and check on her. My second step didnt clear the fence. The fence is a very loose fence and it was pulled down as I tried to support myself with it while I landed flat on my back. And its like that isnt enough fun so the feeding box made of 2X6 redwood comes along and hits me in the head. Great, Im still alive and breathing. I roll over, get myself up, put the feeder back and continue to check on the Llama. She is fine, out eating from the abundance of green grass. I went into the garden and watered down a bed Angie and I had planted in garlic and lettuce starts. I dressed the seedlings with the mulch and had noticed the last two sunny days had dried out the top of the soil. I watered that just after sunset and got to see a few clouds brighten up the sunset and a planet light up in the sky
Many Blessings.