I built a new custom house two years ago. I love it. It's semi-handicapped equipped - wide doors, lever door handles, no steps, large bathroom and shower, hand rails in bathroom; I plan to live here until I no longer can care for myself or exit this physical world. I have a low maintenance yard, still drive, and have room for most of my many collections and family memorabilia. I did get rid of a lot of stuff when I moved, but still have a lot. I have room for my hobbies, a big kitchen which I use to cook for myself and family, room for guests. I would be most unhappy in an assisted living place. I know several people who live in such a place; some like it, some do not. Biggest complaint seems to be the food. I live by myself and like doing exactly what I want when I want. I own the TV remote, get up and go to bed when I please. I have neighbors and family near by. I've lived in the city and in the country, mostly in houses on lots. I lived in a tiny apartment for several years while my home was being planned and built and hated it. Everybody has to make their own decisions about living arrangements -every one is different. I value my privacy and independence.