My doc wants me to see a psychologist [View all]
I’ve had some memory problems for a few years, which I think is just part of the aging process.
My current and past primary care docs say ‘borderline Alzheimer’.
I think I ‘think’ too well for that.
But sometimes I forget my meds, or accidentally lose a credit card and find I mistakenly threw it in the trash can.
Once I couldn’t find my keys. I always leave them on my desk along with my ‘going out stuff’ (watch, wallet, sunglasses, cap, etc). After a search I found them in the linen closet with my towels, etc. Easily explainable (ghosts).
The fact that I can remember these little ‘missteps’ I think is a good thing.
I’ve seen two neurologists who tested me with a ‘cognitive test’ on which 30 would be 100%
I scored 25 on both tests, and both docs said it wasn’t really bad.
But some other memory issues have come up and my doc says a psychologist can do additional types of ‘cognitive testing’ and look at it from a diggerentt angle than the neurologists.
Then based upon that my doc may order medication.
A year or so back he wanted to put me on Aricept but I told him I didn’t think I needed it,
so I refused it.
I think 95% of the time I’m fine, but he thinks ‘we’ need stop any decline.
Oh well, life gets interesting the older we get.