My mom was a stay-at-home housewife, and she loved reading, especially novels. My father worked in a mill, and I never saw him read a book, but he was an avid newspaper and magazine reader. There are not a lot of books visible at my house (the same one I grew up in), but the bedrooms have built-in bookcases, as does the basement.
My mother read to us at bedtime every night from as far back as my memory goes. My mom told me that she got to the point where she hated Goldilocks and the Three Bears because I wanted to hear it every night. I remember we had a subscription to some young readers hardback books with several stories in each book. My favorite story was Penny and the Horse, and my sister's fav was The Man Who Never Washed His Dishes.
We also always went to the library when I got older. I loved our old library, in a grand old building with spiral staircase and that smell. I still feel like our new one is inferior, although I still go there all the time.
I cannot imagine what it would have been like if there were no books around me when I was growing up.