If so, why even open the door to the house? Maybe temporary madness, but I think it was more. And really, can you imagine all that shit getting drug home by your dog and left in your doorway, and you let it stay there and build up until it is so rancid that it is oozing? What kind of people do that?
I don't think that it was during the depression when Fidelis came to America. WWI was over in 1918, and it sounded like he came right after the war---so he would have been working for Koska before the depression. When they talked about Fidelis opening his business, they said that Koska could not keep employees because of poor pay...so it would not have been a time when people were desparate for work.
You are right, Fidelis didn't care one way or the other about the dog, but he did like that the dog was proving his point about how dogs are motivated, whether that point was right or wrong. I don't think that disposal of the things given to Hottentot was a problem...I think it was just because of the prank that the dog got those scraps. I wouldn't be surprised that trash disposal was pretty much digging a hole and buring the scrap. But I don't know that.