Speaking of author notes at the end [View all]
as was occurring wrt David Baldacci in the "What are you reading 4/15" thread,
I love the end notes that Steve Berry does in his Cotton Malone and other books. If you haven't read him, he usually takes a couple of "conspiracy theory"-ish topics and joins them with an adventure going on through it. Sort of _The DaVinci Code_ but a lot less pretentious.
So, for example, he'll take the theories of infinite oil (non-biotic origin petroleum) and thousands of years of control of China by the Imperial Eunuchs and mix them into a twenty-first century thriller. Over the top, always, but great fun.
Anyone, he always puts in-depth "what is real, what is theorized by whom, and what I just plain made up" at the end in a breezy, chatty note. It will point you to the fringe resources if you want, but provides a nice basic overview if you just want to get the general ideas. For me, someone who fell in love with _Illuminatus_ in the mid-70s, it feeds the curiosities of the grad-school me from times past.
So, anyway, my question is: what other authors do you like to tell you tales after the tale is done?