What Fiction are you reading this week, May 5, 2024? [View all]
Happy Cinco de Mayo. I'm making enchiladas.
Thanks, everyone, for doing a great job last week. I got overwhelmed by cat chores and couldn't chat but you all just kept on posting about really good books and their authors.
Still reading Fourteen Days. Day Twelve now. Not all of the stories have impressed me but I do love books that teach me new things. Like the song, The Peacocks. Had never heard of it but Wurly played it so I looked it up on YouTube. Stan Getz, lovely piece. Then there was San Miguel. Looked up photos. Gorgeous. Looks like a great place to visit, and hang out on rooftops. So, this book has a lot going for it. And it seems to be turning into a ghost story.
Listening to Simple Genius by David Baldacci. A physicist's body is found at a secret CIA Training Camp. Was it suicide or murder? A political thriller from 2007.
So, what's new 4U this week?