... you used to be able to go to "My Recommendations," and in the horizontal menu bar under the section at the top was something like "Rate these items" (or similar wording). In that section, you could type in an author or title and then mark the book as one you'd read and rate it there. Lately, Amazon seems to have made changes that no longer let you search for items (so you can no longer rate a book you picked up in the library or at the used book store).
Instead, if you go to "My Recommendations" and then "Improve My Recommendations," you'll find a list of everything you've purchased. This doesn't help you create a concise rated list that you can print out or refer to, but it should at least help improve your recommendations based on the books you liked.
There are several areas where they could make improvements to the kindle; a better way to manage ratings would be one, and I've love to see the copyright dates of the books available on kindle. It can't help the "impulse purchase" market when I have to leave Amazon and go to Wikipedia or one of the book sites to find out which book in a series is next in order for me. (Often, when they do put a publication date on a kindle page, it's the date it went to kindle. All of an author's books may have dates within a month, even if they were originally published over decades.)
I've written to the kindle improvement suggestion email address... guess we'll see if that does any good.