More interesting for me because there is a transportation unit in there, truck drivers.
It is what I did. I served in a unit under 57th Trans so when the book made that turn with the Trans unit from California I couldn't put it down. I was overseas 2006-2007 so a lot of the areas discussed were interesting. I was in Arif Jan which is just south of Kuwait City and traveled many times on Highway 80 ("Highway of Death" in the book) which went to a base that used to be on Iraq/Kuwaiti border.
We never looked inside our shipping containers or boxes (always locked) and we rarely knew what was inside of them. I do recall the one time we had to ship weapons and ammunition from a base in Kuwait to Kuwaiti Naval Base we replaced everything on the trucks with brand new stuff. We changed over 200 truck tires in a week. There was also a soldier who said she had a Starbucks machine inside or her container which she wasn't happy about, risking herself for a Starbucks machine.
We didn't have a ship but they did give out 4-day passes to Qatar which soldiers could drink alcohol there. Other units, everyone got a 4-day pass there but in our unit, only the high miler got a 4-day pass