Main character is a collector--someone who goes and grabs the souls of evil-doers. His direct manager is Lilith...
He finds a soul that he thinks shouldn't be reaped--probably--and that taking it might precipitate end days instead of leading to his next assignment. This does not go over well with LOTS of folk, demon, angelic, and in-between.
Being kind of fun. Not really Dresden, not really Repairman Jack, but entertaining so far.
I ran across Holm this weekend at "Murder and Mayhem in Muskego", a pretty amazing one-day event (well, two, with the preceding evening's cocktail party). Check out the folks who showed this year at . Sean Chercover was the only no-show.
Perhaps the most fun thing about it is that it is held in the public library itself--not one of the meeting rooms--so the Saturday business of the library goes on around it (and pulls folks in, too).
Listening: nothing right now. It's fantasy football season and I have enough trouble keeping up with podcast listening.