Earlier I read In Bitter Chill by Sarah Ward. It certainly was a mystery. It has an wild outcome that was impossible to predict. In Bitter Chill was quite the first effort by Sarah Ward. What a fertile imagination! Mrs. Enthusiast liked it too. Thank you for the recommendation, scarletwoman.
Since reading In Bitter Chill I have been reading Far As The Eye Can See by Robert Bausch. This one sure has captured my interest. Far As The Eye Can See was recommended by japple. This is the sort of yarn that has great appeal for me19th Century historical fiction.
Earlier, Mrs. Enthusiast read Tinroof Blowdown by James Lee Burke. This was by far her favorite by James Lee Burke. It was quite an eye opener in regards to events leading up to and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
After Tinroof Blowdown Mrs. Enthusiast has been on Search the Dark by Charles Todd. Maybe some of you have read the Rutledge mysteries. The Rutledge mysteries are unusual, to say the least. This would be her third one and she is very enthusiastic about this one. I am looking forward to reading it too.