the really beautiful woman [View all]
(the photo: "Fate Descends towards the River Leading Two Innocent Children, 1970 - by Jan Saudek)
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If I were a really beautiful woman
someone might love me but
for all the wrong reasons
And if I really knew him well
I might not want him either -
those fantastic dreams are always
better than reality
In our World, beauty is valued over Truth
All crimes require some excuse
and so it comes out at the end of the day
all that living I didnt do because
I object to the military campaign of life
I disagree with where its missiles fall on my inner cities
and I dont get enough sleep
There is apparently no right
to expect peace
in this terrified new American world
where old sins (having never been reckoned with)
bubble up like acid, burning into Now
then melting back into yesterday somehow
never moving ahead of itself
or anything else
Humanity stews into its own toxic soup
regurgitated and stagnant and worse by the day
Would you like seconds?
(or Minutes or Hours) putrid green
the color of Greed
Youll have it anyway, force-fed
A vein of silk lies torn on the bathroom rug
bloody memory, its all about conception
but never about the Living
we were taught to dream of once
They say this Life is a gift, yet
in that reality which no one loves
(because its not beautiful),
Life is actually theft from people who suffer too much
and for whom it cannot possibly go by fast enough
They are not the so-called Winners
But who really ever wins, and what?
Especially when its all so dishonest
with its head on backwards spewing green vomit
Who cares about the dead
in Pakistan or anywhere else
while we worship beautiful damsel idols
waiting for some futile Divine Conception
to come save Humanity from a Self
it no longer values or recognizes
Only when the Truth of what we have actually become
trumps the imagined beauty of all we are not
will we have the ability to
evolve into something really
©2014, Seven Bowie