Mock Baseball League Needed [View all]
Baseball is not really a contact sport, as are hockey, football, soccer, & basketball. Players do not get close to other players as constantly in the latter 4 sports.
It appears more likely the major league baseball season will be cancelled this year.
In its stead and for morale, a 'mock baseball league' could be played, including a mock world series.
Teams could opt in or out, as well as players. Volunteer players could be drawn from both major and minor leagues, using existing team logos etc, IE yankees dodgers et al.
Players would need all be tested for corona virus 19, using the 15 minute test, prior to each game, sit 6 ft apart in dugouts, and wear masks at all times.
Base stealing would be disallowed so infielders need not hold runners, as well as hit and run disallowed, with maybe 3 step leadoff only until ball is hit.
Play in minor league parks perhaps, no attendance. Play in safer areas. Might be safer to play here than walk the streets in town or city, eh?
Have a 30 to 40 game season, 2 games per week, televised, something to watch live rather than flashbacks to eye rolling settled playoffs from the past.
No wildcards, 3 game playoffs for top 4 teams, and a 7 game world series.