Lock him up, for real! Creepy bastard.
Appy League baseball was kind of cheap fun, if you enjoyed baseball as a sport. Sort of A- League, really, but fun. When I lived in Tennessee I was a Smokies (AA) fan. Now THAT is baseball! Minor league is a lot more fun than the majors, really, what with the promotions, and the ability to get up close and personal sometimes with players before they get famous, and sometimes to see major league players when they're rehabbing. Not to mention cheap seats!
True story--before the Smokies were the Smokies, they were the Knox Sox and were a farm team of the White Sox and played at ratty old Bill Myers Stadium in the Old City. We went to a game once with our then-toddler oldest and sometime around the 4th inning it rained and everyone took shelter in the concourse...including the players. Our Sam was wriggling and squirming and wanting to get down and run around and one of the players started talking to him and playing with him. Turned out to be Oddibe McDowell, who later went up to the majors and eventually played for the Braves.