I used to be a HUGE baseball fan. But the steroid era started my loss of interest. It was like watching slo-pitch softball down at the park.When a Brady Anderson could hit 53 homers (or whatever) I really started losing interest.
Then came the commercials. With long pauses between innings and every small stat sponsored by some local bug killer. Games got so long, very little action.
We used to trip down to our local A level team about 6 times a year. Haven't been there in a decade. I got no idea what baseball needs to do to bring the fans back in - I would say 15 seconds between pitches and cut down the between innings stuff, but I doubt they will do it. Way too much commercial money to be had.
What little sports I do watch now is college football and basketball where there are often several games on at once. When one game goes to commercial I switched to another game, or another to miss commercials.
Seldom watch pro sports which I usually describe as commercials with bits of a game shown occasionally.