on Contour, quick stop at Beckley, then to Charlotte, SC, where I switched to American Airlines. Charlotte is MOV RA's hub. From Charlotte, flew to Bangor. On the way home, left Bangor at 5:50 am (!!!), very short stop in Philadelphia and changed planes. Then back to Charlotte, almost 6 hr. layover. Then back on Contour, stopped at Beckley, then home to MOV R A, I stopped for some food, and was home by 8 m.
The flight from Charlotte was interesting. I got one of their 1st class seats, maybe it was a prize for booking in March. We were all seated, and the attendant announced that the pilot wanted 3 people from the 1st 3 rows (3 seats across) to move to seats in the back because there was a balance problem (!). I asked if they wanted me to move, but they let me stay in front. At Beckley, the pilot announced we'd have to wait for up to 1/2 hour, because 'the brakes got hot when he landed (wth?) I think we were ahead of schedule, because we left about the time my original itenerary listed. As we appraoched Parkersburg (MOV) and the pilot said, "We haven't had good luck on this flight. There is a rogue thunderstorm right over the airport and we can't land. On the upside, we have lots and lots of gas!" I thought to myself that a pilot should never, ever start an announcement like that! Lol We flew around in big circles over the Ohio Valley and I took lots of pictures of the river and the clouds. We had a smooth flight, but unique in so many ways.