Some in this group take a good deal of time in [View all]
Considering and writing replies to posts here, along with thoughtful, original posts to start threads. Whether I agree with their conclusions or not, I am aware of and appreciative of the time and thought expended. It shows respect for the others in the group.
Others toss off single sentence quips, often sarcastic, in response to anything with which they disagree. If there is a question, they ignore it or ask another question instead of attempting to respond. Those do not get my attention or respect.
I often wonder what prompts people to participate here, if they are not willing or able to contribute materially to discussions. It's puzzling. Religion and related subjects affect us all. It seems to me that genuine effort is needed to discuss those subjects.
Each poster in this group is an individual with a unique mind and experiences. None I've seen can be lumped into facile groupings. All have their own voices and ideas. As long as they make a real effort to provide their honest viewpoints and respect those of others, they deserve serious consideration and responses.
That's it.