What does Hell look like? [View all]
Mathew Ch 25 reveals that the son of man will come in all his glories surrounded by the holy angels and will divide the nations of the world as a shepherd divided his sheep from his goats, sheep will go to heaven. Goats are destined for hell. A place of everlasting fire and eternal punishment designed by God for Satan and his demons.
Some argue that God would not be a just God if he did not punish sin. A loving and just God would create a hell for sinners because you cant have grace without punishment but what if people you loved did not get into heaven, but you did. Would that not become a torment for you? Would that mean your personal heaven then becomes hell?
Of course, there are big differences between faiths. While Muslims also believe in hell they do not believe it to be eternal. You do your time for your sins and then get released to Muslim heaven. Like Sikhs beliefs, do you make your own hell based on your actions in a previous life time? So, this lifetime might be hellish but the next one will be better?
Or is hell a human construct of social control?
Do we use hell as a form of exclusion?
Is the threat of Exclusion from the presence of God enough to ensure people toe the line?
Is that the meaning of hell?