She's just the host, the vehicle. HER life I guess doesn't matter As long as the baby GETS here by any means necessary. Then IF the child gets here/survives and and that child is in desperate need of HELP, a majority of the time it's:
I left the Catholic Church YEARS ago for stances/attitudes like this one, because I live in the REAL world and have seen neglected/abused babies/children post-birth. Also, because I was the victim of unwanted and unsolicited sexual advances by clergy. Of course, it was determined that at 17/18 it was MY fault--the sexual advances don't 'cha know
It's NO wonder:
Organized religion is losing its followers.
By Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post News Service Apr 17, 2019
CNN reports, "For the first time 'No Religion' has topped a survey of Americans' religious identity, according to a new analysis by a political scientist. The non-religious edged out Catholics and evangelicals in the long-running General Social Survey." Ryan Burge, a political scientist at Eastern Illinois University and a Baptist pastor, found that 23.1% of Americans identify as "No Religion." In the survey, 23 percent say they are Catholic and 22.5 percent say they are evangelical Christians.
Collectively, those who identify with some religion still greatly outnumber those with no religion. But the numbers do put into perspective how many Americans find no home in organized religion.
It's not clear why there has been a shift, although disenchantment with the conduct of church leaders, especially in the Catholic Church, may explain some of the decline.