... but
Our current pastor is only a continuing thorn... they didn't start the fire.
Two pastors previous to this one, was a non-administrator and so the church members began running the church as they saw fit... it's created a LOT of silos where instead of the right hand not know what the left hand is doing.. the fingers on the same hand are oblivious!
The prior pastor tried to put some accountability and organization back ... and was pretty much 'forced to leave' because of the things said about him from the staff... and the staff's entourage in the congregation...
This pastor has put more emphasis on Committees being formed and they are the one's who in the long run should be the deciding bodies working together. Good try.. good start.. but it's all fading away and going back to the Silos.
And I step in all gung-ho, Let me help you get that up to speed!! and am getting the same treatment now that the prior pastor did.. from the same staff and entourage.
Instead of Peyton Place, it really is Mean Girls!