There simply is no compromise with these people. Conception isn't the beginning of "life" and it isn't even the beginning of pregnancy, yet according to the dipshit with the funny hat, that's when the holy poltergeist endows a single cell's protoplasm with a "soul" and therefore is sacred. Mind you there's no scientific or even religious basis for this horseshit, but just the "decider" who claims to have a hotline to god or some such shit. So this anointed person who has never been female and never will be gets to turn half the population into unwilling human "baby" incubators.
There is no argument with them, no compromise, and no arbitrator to which anyone can appeal. They claim to speak for god and "faith" convinces religionists they are right. Any such organization should be immediately discredited by anyone who has any sense of reason or common sense, yet we give them a pass because others seem to think we should allow this sort of intellectual bankruptcy to drive public policy in the name of tolerance.